Add a new ad unit
An ad unit is a location on your
website where one or more advertisements is placed. You must create a
new ad unit for each location on your site that you want ads to appear
- At the top of the screen, click Inventory.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Ad units.
- Click New ad unit.
- Complete the instructions on the screen to add a name, description, and sizes for your ads within the ad unit.
- Tip: Be sure to add the size of each advertisement you want to display on your website.
- Set the AdSense Inventory settings to Disabled (figure 1).
Figure 1.
Create ad placements within your ad unit
In many cases, only one ad appears within an ad unit. However, if you
want multiple ads to appear in the same ad unit, you must create
placements for each ad. For example, if your ad unit is a wide banner on
your website, you might want to create placements for three different
ads – on the left, centre, and right parts of the banner.
- At the top of the screen, click Inventory.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Placements.
- Click New Placement.
- Complete the instructions on the screen to add a name and description for the ad placement.
- In the Assigned Inventory section, next to the ad unit you want to add the placement to, click Include (figure 2).
- Click Save.
Figure 2.
Add a company
You must add all companies that are purchasing or displaying ads on your website.
- At the top of the screen, click Admin.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Companies.
- Click the New Company drop-down list.
- Click Advertiser.
- Type a company name.
- Click Save.
Add an advertisement image
You must add an advertisement image for each company you add. This is
the image that appears on your website. In Google DFP, an advertisement
image is called a
- At the top of the screen, click Delivery.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Creatives > All Creatives.
- Click Add creatives.
- In the Advertiser field, type a company name that you already added.
- Click Continue.
- Drag an image file from your computer into the Drag and Drop Files field.
- In the Destination field, type the website address
that the advertisement will navigate to (for instance, type the website
for the ad provider or product that is advertised) (figure 3).
- Complete any of the optional fields (figure 3).
- Click Test to make sure the website address in the Destination field works as expected.
- Click Save.
Figure 3.
Create a new order
Once you set up placements, images, and companies, you can create an order to start displaying an ad on your website.
- At the top of the screen, click Delivery.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Orders > My Orders.
- Click New Order.
- Type an order name.
- In the Advertiser field, type a company name that you already added.
- In the Trafficker field, type the name of the person who is managing the order.
Add a new line item for an order
Once you create a new order, you must add a line item to the order. The
line item includes information such as how often the ad will appear,
where it will appear on your website, and much more.
- In the Line Item section, complete the instructions on the screen to add an ad name and an ad size.
- In the Settings and Adjust delivery sections, change any applicable settings for the ad (figure 4).
Recommended Line Item Settings
Option |
Recommended Setting |
Type |
House |
Start time |
Immediately |
End time |
Unlimited |
Rotate creatives |
Evenly |
- Tip: For more information on any of the options in the Settings or Adjust Delivery sections, click the ? icon next to an option.
Figure 4.
Associate an ad placement with an order
- In the Add targeting section, click include next to an ad placement that you previously added.
- Click Save.
Associate an advertisement image with an order
- On the My Orders screen, click the order you just created.
- Click the Creatives tab.
- Click use existing creatives.
- Next to the advertisement image you want to use, click include.
- Note: you can only include advertisement images that match the size you set in the line item.
- Click Save.
Approve an order
Now that you created an order and a line item, and you associated a
placement and image with the order, you’re ready to approve the order.
Once approved, the ad starts appearing on your site.
- On the My Orders screen, click the order you just created.
- Click the green Approve button.
Pause an order
When you pause an order, it stops appearing on your website temporarily.
- At the top of the screen, click Delivery.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Orders > My orders.
- Select the check box to the left of the orders you want to pause.
- Click Pause (figure 5).
Figure 5.
Change an ad in an order
You can change the advertisement image and website address that the advertisement will navigate to.
- At the top of the screen, click Delivery.
- In the menu on the left of the screen, click Orders > My orders.
- Click an order that you want to change.
- Click the Creatives tab.
- Click an ad name.
- Click the Settings tab.
- In the Creative settings section, delete the advertising image.
- Click Choose file.
- Browse to the new image file and click Open.
- If necessary, in the Destination field, type the
new website address that the advertisement will navigate to (for
instance, type the website for the ad provider or product that is
- Click Save.