In League Administration, expand the "Playoffs" menu and click "Brackets."
Select the season that you wish to add playoff brackets to, then click "Create New Series."
Note: If the season is not listed, you must first create a new playoff season before you can begin creating playoff brackets. It is also recommended that you create the playoff schedule first before creating Brackets.
Enter a Series Name and select a Series Letter (A-HZ) from the drop down menu. Games will only appear within the newly created bracket if the series letter you have assigned here matches the game letter from the Schedule.
If the Teams that will be participating in this playoff bracket have been determined at the time of creation, select the teams from the drop down menu. If the teams have not yet been determined, select "TBD" from the menu. If the teams are not listed in this menu, you will need to add this team to the playoff season from the season management tool.
Select the Playoff Round from the drop down menu that this bracket should display within. uses this field to determine what area of the template to display this bracket.
Click the "Update" button to save your bracket. Repeat this process for all subsequent playoff brackets.
Partners using HockeyTech powered WordPress Websites will have the option to display their brackets on the Frontend of their website for better fan visibility. This feature pulls the information created in the Playoffs section in LeagueStat allowing the playoff structure of all seasons marked as Playoff in the Season Settings.
While on the WordPress site, playoff pages can be viewed by adding /stats/playoffs to the URL of the site, for example will bring you to the most recent playoff page for the GOJHL. If you wish to view a specific playoff season, you would need to add the LeagueStat Season ID to the end of the URL.
Should you wish to display this page on the website, you will need to add the Playoffs page to the site’s Menu, or link the page elsewhere on the website through News Post or Webpage.
To create a Playoffs Menu Item, you will need to select Menus from the Appearance section in the WordPress Dashboard. Once in the Menu Structure, select Custom Link which will drop down the option to add a URL and Link Text. In the URL, add /stats/playoffs to allow the most recent playoff season to be displayed. If you wish to hardcode a specific season to the Menu Item, add the LeagueStat Season ID. Make sure to Save Menu once you have added the Menu Item.
If you wish to add a Round Robin into the playoffs, the process is very similar to creating brackets.
In League Administration, expand the "Playoffs" menu and click "Round Robin." Select the season that you wish to add the Round Robin to, then click “New Round Robin”. Select the Round that the Round Robin is being utilized, as well as the Series Letter (A-HZ).
Note: If the season is not listed, you must first create a new playoff season before you can begin creating playoff brackets. It is also recommended that you create the playoff schedule first before creating a Round Robin.
The Teams participating in the Round Robin are determined by the games scheduled with the matching Series Letter.
From the dropdown menu, select the Number of Rounds (number of times teams will play each other), and the Number of Winners for the Round Robin. You will also need to select Round Robin Type. If the option you need to select is not available, please contact to have it added.
Click the "Update" button to save your bracket. Repeat this process for all subsequent Round Robins.