Scorekeeper - Recording Shots on Goal supports two different methods of entering Shots on Goal.
If your league does not track shot location, shots on goal are recorded on the lineups
tab. Find the applicable player and either key in the number of shots
on goal, or use the up/down arrows to adjust the shot total. Click the publish button to save these stats.
If your league does track shot location, shots on goal are recorded on the events tab. From the shots/goals sub tab, click the location where the shot was taken from on the rink graphic. In
the shot entry window that is displayed and select the player who took
the shot from the menu - the goalie who defended the shot on goal should
be automatically populated.
Next, select the appropriate shot type from the options your league has
enabled. If the shot results in a goal, select the goal type from the
options your league has enabled along with the players who should be
credited with assists on the goal.
If your league tracks plus/minus statistics, add the
players on the ice for each team by clicking on the plus/minus boxes,
then select the players from the team roster and click OK.
After all of the goal statistics have been entered, click "Save" to record the goal.
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